“You are your own director” 1st time Let’s Create Momentum This feels like a pinball machine! I don’t think that Let’s Create Momentum is a rollercoaster, as many people say. I think it is a true pinball machine. I’m bouncing from left to right, sometimes I tumble and then there is the next flipper that helps me bounce to the next step. I’m the one who has set this pinball machine in motion and I’m determined to go wherever this path takes me. After a long period of ‘swimming against the stream’ Network marketing and Ingrid came into my life. At that moment I decided to work on myself and my future. In the beginning I had to get used to the directive way Ingrid works, I felt anxiety, lost myself a bit and I missed balance. Now, looking back at LCM I’m overwhelmed of the positive developments, my energy is flowing again and I don’t feel I have to fight anymore! I made the connection to myself. The technics are incredible, true eyeopeners! I went through, lived through and felt through all my blockades during this program and I can only look back positive. For me, the first week was about soul searching, and the second more about technics. The high energy of the group was almost touchable, the tools are great! I think that I thought to easy about Network marketing at first and I now know that I can decide “What do I want” and “How do I want to build my business”. That makes me my own director! My Gameplan is ready and I have a lot to learn but; I’ve set my course and I’m sticking to it! For years I’ve done everything on my own, so the training ‘ask for help’ was a big eyeopener. I can ask for help.., I don’t have to do everything on my own! I have experienced what it is like to work with others and how wonderful it is to have colleagues. It taught me how to open up, I’m truly grateful for that experience. I’ve also learned that I thrive on success, you could say that I find a ‘no’ difficult. I knew that, obviously, but during LCM there were many ‘ah..ok..’ moments that shed a light on where I can grow further. Besides that, approaching things in a positive way always makes everything so much kinder, friendlier. The solution to a “Yes.., but” is to ask the question “How can we..” I strongly believe in the power of repeating. I did the Who Do I Know List training twice and it surprised me that after the short period of 4 weeks (LCM 5.0) in between them, I had already written-down so many other things! The tools that I got are exactly the same but I picked-up many different things than I did the first time! I still am consciously incompetent, and I’ll give myself time and space to grow. I’m curious what new tools I will pick-up on Let’s Create Momentum Special round, my journey of self-development isn’t finished yet! Cecilia Huisman